lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Firefly's Anatomy (English version)

I search in the corners colorful butterflies
Only find fireflies between the flowers
That you put on me
Odds and ends of oils paintings on urns
On the walls
Broken sunrises behind broken glasses that
Reflects skies,
But skies, at least.
Sorrows which are stored in a pocket
Always in darkness
Although you don’t want it,
Always see them.
You’ll see,
Someday will filter some light
On the corners of this room.
I never get tired
To dream that I’m dreaming with opened eyes
Without looking,
To look up,
To watch myself from above.
That slips through the fingers of one lost hand,
That conspires with the Death in the gardens,
In a deep twilight of hope
In constant flight.
Give me,
The fireflies from that story one day you stop to tell me.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015

Specular shadow (English version)

In the black and white of my lights and shadows, the glass is poured on the uncountable hours above the irregular soil. Just a few minutes before dusk the sky is falling and I don’t want to watch it. What displeasure the taste of broken wings, after continuous crashes against the window where you poke out. Wanders the distance, restless, from horizon to horizon, before that bronze dawn that hides between your legs. The extended avarice on the bed, it spills over the edges, and with wounded conscientious hands you gather all up not to taint with the black and white of my lights and shadows that, at the end, they are the one you know.